9Friday, December 29, 2006
As usual,I'm a major hit with the girls.They chased the rest of the guys out of the room just to share an intimate moment with me. Poor thing these guys.The girls just don't want to share any love with them. I've always believed in equality for the sexes.So here I'm trying to make Christmas not such a bore for these 2 guys.Picture above showing I'm a big hit with the guys as well.
And many people have been asking, "You had army in the past.Yet update your blog so often! How come now that you're so free you don't bother to update your blog?"
Firstly,if you check back my archives, the frequency of my entries are about the same now as in the past. I presume the 'lack of entries' which you all perceive is due to the fact that you people actually has raised the bar for your expectations from bigbrohu.blogspot.com, and how can you expect to see new entries everytime u reload your webpage, when you press the refresh buttons so many times in a day for bigbrohu.blogspot.com?
Secondly, maybe it is true that the fire and enthusiasm have just been lost slightly.However, me being the nice guy that I am, will still strive and put in effort to make sure my loyal readers will get to read an entry every few days.
Below are pictures of our Christmas countdown party held at PartyWorld KTV in Orchard.
Someone told me that my blog cannot capture her attention for a longer time span than say xiaxue's blog,due to the lack of pictures. So for this entry I will use a different approach, more pictures, less words. Readers can feel free to feedback to me about how I should present my blog.
And here it is. Enjoy!
Guys it's all gonna be over soon.For Abel, never mind it's just 1 months later then us.George,our time is going to be up soon! Joseph, don't worry it's gonna be 1 year less in your 10 years contract.
Everyone who was there.Merry Christmas!
There was even a post KTV at MOS and also a fantastic Christmas Breakfast at my old territory King Albert Park but no pictures to show for that thanks to Vanessa.
And that is how we spent Christmas eve/Christmas Day. The New Year is going to be here soon and hopefully I will have time to write up a short review of 06 and also any resolutions for 07. Keep watching this space!
9Thursday, December 28, 2006
On the left,Micah and his temporary tattoo studio,helping George out with his virgin tattoo. Too bad,that is a fako. At this time and age,whoever does fake tattoos man.Anyway,as mentioned in my previous entry,fake tattoos will definitely be featurered at this party and my prediction came true didn't it. The above 3 pictures.2 words can sum it all up:Sibei Hiong, though the tattoos are all fakes.Seriously,Indra really lives up to his nickname as Ah Long.To those who don't know who Indra is,he is the guy that is in every one of those 3 pictures. George hosting a game of Bingo,where 50% of proceeds goes to the charity of our choice.Personally I would donate it to my favourite charitable organisation Singapore Pools. Whereby I fully identify with their motto:For community benefit and purpose. A great plan to generate more income towards achieving this aim would be to always back Manchester United on the Asian handicap.For those who wishes to know,Nicole was the winner here. The above picture was taken at our gift-exchange activity.It was conducted in such a way that each person chooses a poker card,and the person with the smallest card get to choose and unwrap 1 of the presents.The next person with the smallest card will then pick a present choose and he can choose to exchange it with the person who have already unwrapped his present.Thus,the person who has the biggest card has the greatest advantage as all the presents have been unwrapped already and he can choose whatever present he wants.End result:Neck has a M size thong for his Christmas present.We wonder how he can fit his gigantic XXXXL asses into that thong. In the season of caring and sharing,how can we forget about those who are not as fortunate as us. Goodbye HoHoHo2,it had been a great night of fun and joy. HoHoHo3,we await eagerly for your arrival.
After many days of festivities,I have finally managed to squeeze out some time in writing this entry.Apologies to the many many people out there who have been waiting for any blog update.
Quote: "I don't read blogs but now I do await in anticipation for your next entry.Why so long!"
The above was said by 1 of my legions of fans.
Anyway,HoHoHo2 was a spectacular success and the attendance figures are a key indicator of that.Kudos to Joseph and Ti Kor for their PR skills. Their dedication and effort in making this party a success can be seen by one and all and that their contributions I'm sure are greatly appreciated.
There is going to be plenty of pictures for this entry so please bear with it.Above:My attire for the night,which the dress theme was Bengs and Lians. Baggy metallic shiny jeans coupled with a tight red top. Also to be mentioned is a must for an Ah Beng,a weopon that can be mobile and brought about conveniently.Usually a sharp comb is used.However,since I've long been over the Ah Beng period of my life,I can't find my comb and thus,a scissors is used as the replacement.Try to spot the scissors in the right pocket of my jeans.
Although the awards ceremony was a greatly farcical affair whereby the best blogger award is given to Micah Lewis of theartistinyou.livejournal.com,it still is an integral part of the night wherby I should talk about. Other results was PQ winning the most Ah Beng award (What the hell again). Xinhong winning the most Ah Lian award and our resident cutie pie,CJ winning the cutest mole award(Undisputed champion).
The Bengs and Lians that made HoHoHo2 a success. Without you people,HoHoHo2 would not be possible.
9Sunday, December 24, 2006
A merry Christmas to one and all.
Hope that everyone will enjoy this festive season, and that all friends will remember the spirit of sharing and forgiving in this time of celebration.
BigBroHu's Christmas present for everyone:Fat Neck's Fat Face in his Red Thong
9Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Through the years an Ah Beng has changed the way he dresses,but nothing can go wrong in his most basic outfit yet.Armed with a cigarette in hand,he goes downright to the basics with just shorts n no tops.However his many tattoos more than make up for the lack of clothing on his top.Those that are not daring enough to put on permanent tattoos can always put on temporary tattoos that are airbrushed. I'm sure there will be more than 1 person who will heed this fashion advice. Can't really find a proper photo that perfectly illustrates what an Ah Lian should look like.(Actually I'm a bit lazy looking for pictures at this late hour.)So here it is. Knee-high boots,a definite must.An alternative is platform shoes that are at least 30cm thick.The rest of the outfit? Just find some clothing that is revealing so you can look like a KTV girl from 1 of the Joo Chiat pubs. In any case,if you really can't find any outfit that can make u look Beng or Lian.You can try this pose for the rest of the night. Peace out. Bigbrohu.blogspot.com--Official media partner of HoHoHo2 X'mas Party
As many people have been consulting me about what they should wear for the biggest party this festive season, HoHoHo2,I've come up with a comprehensive fashion guide as to what are clothes that are advisable to be worn,in line with our dress theme this year: Bengs and Lians
9Friday, December 15, 2006
Yes,this is it! The festive season is here again and its time for celebrations.What better to start off the holidays by participating in the party where everyone just wants to be at, HoHoHo2. Above is the official party poster done by organiser George Koh. Why is it called HoHoHo2? HoHoHo was actually the brainchild of Oonk Tong,in order to create some tradition in celebrating X mas. Last year's HoHoHo was held at Mingrui's hangout which was signature park. Last year's HoHoHo was a runaway success and it was also sub-titled Silent Night. The above picture was taken from last year's HoHoHo event. Happening isn't it. This year,in line with our gang's motto of "always aspiring to improve quality ", we have even come up with a dress theme for this year's party. It is: Bengs and Lians.Such a wonderful dress theme will without fail,generate much excitement and also anticipation in the days leading up to HoHoHo2. More details can be found below. I apologise for the small font above.That's the best I can do already. After all this talk,I'm sure everyone is definitely buzzing now right? However,it is an exclusive party but you can always try asking us whether you can be invited haha :) Have you gotten your HoHoHo2 invitation yet?
9Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I really thank Neck for taking care of me. Here in this picture he is smiling widely which I do not understand why. Did he take care of the various food stalls at Zouk Out? To any kids reading this: It may seem fun to drink so much and intoxicate yourself.But when the next day you hear stories of yourself behind found face down between a bunch of flower pots and as you look at the mirror you see your swollen lip and bruised nose,I don't think that is your idea of fun.
Now that I have fully recovered from the Zouk Out debacle,here I am to just tell you guys what actually did happened on that fateful night. To think I actually took almost 48 hours to fully recover.(Actually physically I have still not reached tip-top condition as I still got a bruised nose and slightly swollen lip to show but more of that later)
At 10pm on Saturday 091206, the nominal roll read:Ti Kor,Lum Kor, Ah Long, Neck,Joseph,Chaozhang,Abel,Dionne,Mervyn,George,Audrey,Yew Teng,Russel,Edith,Paul,Angus,Mingrui,Laiyew,Kitty.Any other names left out here means I forgot about you or at least I did not remember seeing you admidst all the intoxication.I just heard that Winston,Kok,Nigel,Musa and Chris was there but sorry guys dun remember seeing you all. And Derek Ong too I know i got talk to you but i just dun remember that.
A massive array of alcohol was on display atop our mobile Wine Bar, Yew Teng's Matrix. Bottles of alcohol range form Chivas Regal,Vodka Peach to wine. Everyone was in really celebratory mood in anticipation of the biggest dance festival in Asia.Games like 5-10, 007 and 7-up were being played. As the drinks flowed and the sounds of techno blast from Yew Teng's powerful speakers, everything starts to blur and in an instant,Neck walking around seems to appear like Carl Lewis off the blocks in a 100m sprint.Then,wham! The lights went out. Estimation of time then: 1130 hrs.
Estimation of time based on looking back of sms in my hp and seeing which sms i recall reading that night. The time of the sms being received was taken note.
Next memory,approximately 4am. Covered with puke and sand, we proceeded to the hip hop music arena with DJ Andrew Chow behind the set. After quite a number of songs, the world blacked out again.
Next moment, I'm being helped out of Sentosa and boarded onto a cab, finally getting away from terror island.
9Sunday, December 10, 2006
Zouk Out 2006 was a major knockout.
More will be mentioned when the pictures are uploaded.
Meanwhile,from Wednesday onwards I will be clearing my off/leave.
The time has come.Finally.
And to those who still have many more months to go,I would just like to say that your time will come too.
Apologies for this extremely short and unentertaining entry.I am obviously not in any kind of inspiring mood to conjure up my usual high quality entries.Cos my head is still hurting,my lips are swollen,my nose is aching and this hangover will hopefully disappear soon,all thanks to Zouk Out.
9Sunday, December 03, 2006
After a temporary hiatus away from the blogging scene,here I am again.A thousand apologies to all who have been waiting for my blog to be updated.As you guys know,I will never post anything onto my blog unless its of entertainment and quality of the highest level.And sometimes,that also means that a few pictures should be included in an entry.However, the lack of a digital camera which can be carried around conveniently just means that I will not have many pics to use as content for my blog.That's food for thought for anyone who have no idea what to buy for 28 Jan. *Hint*Hint*
However,due to the many many tags on my board asking me to update my blog and also the amazing number of sms i am getting asking me to do the same thing,this incredibly intense guilty conscience have been bogging me down.From my knowledge,bigbrohu.blogspot.com has already become not just a blog,or just a read for entertainment purposes,but a lifestyle.And that so many people,including those who are serving the nation as slaves in NS and also those who are enduring through exams,look towards bigbrohu.blogspot.com as their avenue whereby they can be who they want to be,free from whatever burdens they are carrying.Thus,regardless of the lack of pictures,I am going to write something today.
Yesterday,West side boy Ah Long(Indra),and Neck converged at Serangoon to play street soccer with us namely me Melvin,Russel ,Yew Teng and co.Their presence was greatly appreciated indeed.Ah Long dazzled us with his amazing shooting ability while Neck provided the necessary commentary from the sidelines.As usual, he continue to mystify us with his excellent jargon of terms used in sports,though no one can expect that he would have anything to do with sports looking at his ever-growing body size.As usual,he looked fatter from the last time I saw him. Just for your information,Neck was a former rugger who represented both The Chinese High School and SAJC.Of course,one can always argue that eating IS a sport as hamburger or hotdog eating competitions are shown on ESPN every now and then.
So after a pulsating afternoon of football action,Neck suggested celebrating Micah's birthday at a Japanese restaurant which of course,offers the buffet option. The absence of Micah due to him resting for the Standard Chartered Marathon failed to deter Neck's determination in celebrating his birthday and so,we proceed on to King's Arcade for the buffet,in remembrance of Micah's birthday.(Of course,in the end,it is just Neck's celebration of Japanese food.) Personally,I suspect Neck may be 1 friend of mine who keeps track of friends' birthday dates more fervantly than anyone else,just to find an excuse to celebrate food.In any case whereby anyone of you may be at home sadly celebrating your birthday on your own,be comforted that somewhere,someone out there (Neck) may be actually holding a dinner,just in remembrance for your birthday.
After the dinner,Mervyn suggested driving to McRitchie reservoir to admire the moon and also to feed the hungry mosquitos.As we reached the reservoir,Neck actually stupidly high-beamed a car in front who obviously has a couple in it making out.An angry man stomped out at once and delivered a tirade of vulgarities to Joseph the driver.And of course,Joseph being his aggressive self,actually went nearer the car and turned on his headlights.The man immediately came out again and started to kick our car.Ti Kor stepped out and when the man saw him, and he just quietly and sheepishly went back to his car. In any case,if you want to make trouble with us,come to Serangoon if you got the guts.Or if you think that is too far,proceed to Al Azhar at around 2-5am and we can settle things there.
To the next update. Ciaos.
To CJ,who broke his ankle at afternoon's soccer session.Please rest well,and we hope to see the hunky sportsman in action again.Congrats on your MC though.