9Sunday, October 29, 2006
Anyway,who says trannies ain't beautiful. Ti Kor is currently down with upper respiratory tract infection,those who wishes to shower him with concern can just add him to his msn,hutianci@hotmail.com and send your well wishes.As stated above,do not send emails to him as his inbox have already been flooded out.
In the recent weeks,friends of mine have been discussing fervantly about this blog of mine,making in the focal point of any and every conversation of theirs.What I have to say to them is get a life,and in any case that my busy schedule disables me to write entries on a regular basis,please move on with life and do not pine over it,or to a more extreme extent,contemplate suicide.Which I think is very possible with the number of sms i get every day asking me to update my blog.It seems that my blog do maintain lives on this earth.
There have also been recent youtube videos which have been published on my tagboard and are uploaded without my personal endorsement.The temptation to remove it was great,however 1 of my principles in life is to always support free speech and the freedom of thinking,such that all those idiotic videos which were poorly directly,acted and narrated are still allowed on that tagboard.Please produce better-quality videos in future to warrant an advertising on my wonderful blog.
The response to my trivia question in my last entry was overwhelming to say the least.Hotmail sent me an e-mail stating that it could not possibly process the whole onslaught of emails that was sent to me after that trivia was posted.Anyway,the person who was first in giving me the correct answer has been duly rewarded,however his identity could not be revealed to avoid suspicions and investigations into our gang.In all,there were more than 50 respondants and I am proud to say that more than 95% got the answer right.This shows that indeed,bigbrohu.blogspot.com is a portal where intellectuals gather.The only exception was a guy named Ah Long who could not give the correct answer after repeated attempts.
I've also invited a number of celebrity guest bloggers to write entries here. I'm sure there will be a posting from 1 of them up soon and hopefully,they will not bring disgrace to bigbrohu.blogspot.com. It is indeed very big shoes to fill by writing on this blog,but after wide consideration,I've came up with a list of very distinctive and eligible people to guest-star here.Stay tuned.
9Thursday, October 26, 2006
That's Takeshit in the picture above.His face is partially blocked due to a fear of leakage of his identity on this blog. Anyway,to cut the story short,J and Q has something going on from the first time they met each other.I would call that lust at first sight.After a few group outings with friends,they started dating by themselves.After a short time,Q,who is nicknamed Sex God from his secondary school days in a most prestigious boys' school in the Bukit Timah area,started engaging with J physically.Further lurid details will not be mentioned on this blog as according to media research company AC Nelson,teenagers under the age of 16 constitute 20.45% of this blog's readership. According to J,Q told some of his former teammates from his college days(Ra**les JC),that he is not interested in J right from the start.And after more than a few trysts,Q got back with his ex-gf after a trip to the UK. And that's it,the end of a short relationship with no shortage in terms of wild action. Disclaimer:The above story is not meant to be offending to anyone in any way,and is just meant to educate my readers about what is happening within 20 year olds in the world today.Names of the involved personnel,details like schools and pictures have also been thickly veiled in a bid to not stir up a storm on the blogosphere. FEBRUARY:BIRTH OF MICHAEL JORDON MARCH:BIRTH OF CHINGY APRIL:BIRTH OF SADDAM HUSSEIN MAY:BIRTH OF DAVID BECKHAM JUNE:BIRTH OF DONALD TRUMP JULY: BIRTH OF PRINCESS DIANA AUGUST:BIRTH OF NAPOLOEON SEPTEMBER:BIRTH OF TOMMY LEE OCTOBER:BIRTH OF EMINEM NOVEMBER: BIRTH OF CALVIN KLEIN DECEMBER:BIRTH OF BRAD PITT What is missing on this list of birthdays of famous people? The first person who email Ti Kor with the correct answer stands a chance to be promoted up 1 rank of Oonk Tong's hierachy,along with the providence of 20 full time ginas by his side.Ti Kor can be contacted at hutianci@hotmail.com
As we start to advance into adulthood,content that can most probably grasp our attention are no longer that of "who friend with who" and "who bought a new PSP". What we want are dramatic plots that involve sex,lies and water polo.(Supposed to be sex,lies and football but this is altered to suit the story of the day.)
Recently,Tian Ge,being the confidant whom everyone trusts in,listened to yet another 1 of these sensational tales which yes,involve sex,lies and water polo.
The protagonist,lets call her J,was well known for her sex appeal(did i just say that?) and some would say,promiscuous ways.But at least she is definitely not as notorious as that of an even more famous personality,former SAJC alumnus Miss Izzy.Those who live in a world of their own will know more about this girl from sarongpartygirl.blogspot.com,which is 1 of the most wide-read blogs in Singapore.I inspire myself to write better and more entertaining entries by telling myself constantly that I'm always 1 hit away from emulating Izzy's blog readership.
Ok,J got to know this sportsman Q (im not going to tell u which sport to protect his identity,but i guess u can probably infer from above) from a common friend Yong,who is the most charming and cutest guy I have ever met.He has even been nicknamed after Japanese heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro.Yong's nickname is Takeshit.
9Monday, October 23, 2006
Before After Maybe this pictures still can't show the extent of damage done to her appearance and self-image,but that's the best I can do for you guys. What is she thinking man. Disclaimer:As usual,no offence to all the personnel mentioned above.All for humour's sake,learn to take life less seriously and you will become as influential as me in future.
Below is an excerpt of an MSN conversation between the Great Tian Ge and his gina Kwokz.
owning? ...own, says:
ur blog is freaking funny
owning? ...own, says:
but ur eng sometimes veri chim
owning? ...own, says:
i dun get the jokes
Takumi; UNITED says:
i gona write abt u someday
owning? ...own, says:
owning? ...own, says:
write in chinese
owning? ...own, says:
last time i write my blog in chinese
owning? ...own, says:
Takumi; UNITED says:
Takumi; UNITED says:
so hard
Takumi; UNITED says:
chim ar
Takumi; UNITED says:
u got rd mingrui 1 ornot
Takumi; UNITED says:
u r damn funny
Takumi; UNITED says:
say my eng chim
Takumi; UNITED says:
owning? ...own, says:
i nv read his nia
owning? ...own, says:
ur expression got hidden meaning one wat
owning? ...own, says:
and full of objectives
owning? ...own, says:
owning? ...own, says:
sorry for that long conversation above,but just try to read what he is writing.I think he is the funny guy here,not me.
Anyway I shan't laugh at Kwokz but this Hongkie friend of mine is saying that my standard of English is high,an A level graduate of SAJC who is university bound should really be getting his grasp of the international language on track here.
Anyway recently heard wind of a weird friend of mine who works in Attica getting her hair cut,but seriously I din imagine it to turn out this way.Since school days she have already been 1 interesting personality ,but has the need to be different become so great to an extent that things need to turn out this way?
9Saturday, October 21, 2006
Chelsea striker Didier Drogba. Hadec tried to imitate Drogba's wonderful turn-and-strike goal against Liverpool but as he did his 90 degrees turn,his knee started to give way to his immense weight.And then,he just crumbled onto the ground. My attempt below in trying to compose a song for Hadec,the lyrics singing to the tune of Fergie's London Bridge. How come every time Neck turn around,his big fat body just wana go down.Hadec Hadec- ky,wana go down.Hadec Hadec-ky,wana go down. Immediately,Ti Kor,being his helpful self,sent Hadec immediately to Tan Tock Seng Hospital,where after medical staff heard wind of Oonk Tong members being injured,prepared a whole medical team comprising of about 4 medical officers and 20 nurses,just to tend to Hadec.A big thank you to them,there will be a discount on the protection money dued to us next month. Picture above,showing Hadec in a wheelchair.Although I must pay homage to TTSH's excellent services,I guess it can't be helped that there is no wheelchair big enough to fit such a big guy comfortably. And after first class treatment,this is the result. Hadec grinning after getting his 7 days MC. To Hadec:Hope that after this painful lesson,you will understand the importance of watching your weight.I also hope that you can respond positively to this lesson,realise that you are way too heavy and start working on losing weight.Fellow members of the gang from Central Singapore will always welcome you here to experience a healthy lifestyle. I sincerely hope that you DO NOT give yourself excuses that 'you can't move around,thus can't exercise' or 'can't move,nothing to do so at home eat and watch dvd lo". By the way,tomorrow is West Side Boy Toh Chao Zhang Stanley's 20th birthday so Ti Kor wishes him all the best for the coming year.Tomorrow's Jap buffet celebration will be a great one. Not for u Hadec.
This is the official account of how Hadec Alvin Teo Kia Yong got injured,joining Joseph Tan Wee Kwang on the 'crippled list'.
On a Tue night,Hadec was invited to central Singapore,the area where Tian Ge holds most of his influence in.He probably thought that the activity for that evening was probably eating at the famous Chomp Chomp food centre,as that is what he does every day in the West side,resulting in him becoming into a real impressive creature with a humongous size.However,little did he know that the who's who of the underground in central Singapore actually engages in healthy activities like street soccer to keep fit.Such vigorous activities ensure that all Oonk Tong and 13Siao Members are properly equipped at the right level of fitness,so that they have an upper hand during mass brawls in Zouk.
Anyway,Hadec was really game for it and so,for the first time in several months,Hadec is finally exercising and producing sweat.Come to think of it,he sweats while he eats,or even when he walks.
The first few games went by with us thrashing some Malay boys,Hadec impressing all of us with his nifty footwork.Nifty by the standards of a 110kg fat dude.
In the 29th min,disaster struck.
As confidence started to grow within him,he began to hallucinate that he is him.
9Thursday, October 19, 2006
Lum Kor has already left Singapore to Thailand with his ginas,Russel,Kitty,Yew teng and Jared.Ti Kor wishes him a great trip and bon voyage.He has already made the neccessary arrangements with the Thai Army General to ensure VVIP treatment there for Lum Kor and gang while martial law is still being carried out there. For those people at Phuture last nite,playing with the tranny was definitely not part of Ti Kor's character.It was just trying to satisfy his ever-growing thirst for knowledge in trying to find out what a tranny's body is really like.
I'm in the midst of this really long break from army.This has really been a good reprieve away from the boredom of camp.
What did I do in the last few days? Went to Zouk for the first time in about a month but as manpower is not that adequate,the amount of fun was not the maximum as well.(Ti Kor's definition of adequate manpower = no. of ginas>50.) As usual,drinks were on Ti Kor,all obtained through pure skill.
Haha,something tragic yet hilarious happened to one of my friends.High-tech Fat Kia(aka hadech aka alvin),became the 2nd casualty after former SAJC soccer heartthrob Joseph Tan was crippled.How did Hadec injure himself? That story will be further documented in a later entry,depending on when Micah Lewis can get back from doing his extra guard duty and upload the photos.
3 months + to ORD. 070207.The date which i have awaited for so,so long.It's also a date that I would rate as the day I have most looked forward to ever in my life. Recently, there has been an email circulating in the MINDEF OA account users about a new healthcare directive involving a new disease called ORD.Haha I can't really remember what ORD stands for there and also the content of that mail but it is just a satirical take on what people term as 'ORD mood',when in the last few months leading up to ORD people start to become more relaxed and their morale are also uplifted as a result. Personally,until only in the last few days did I feel this ORD mood,probably because I'm spending less time in camp and more time in the outside world,I'm finally starting to adapt back to civilian life again and feeling alive as a result.However it is also only during this period that I start to feel more numb about ORD,looking forward to that elusive date less as compared to in the past.Dun get me wrong here.It still remains my greatest wish that time can just fly by to reach that day.But I think it's just natural that as my life become better now,I will not wish for that date as much as in the past.Oh well,lets' just hope that when the day really comes,I will not forget about all the shit in the last 22 months and can really appreciate my life then.
On another note,every day I kinda look forward to 7pm.Because that's when Princess Hours is showing on channel u. Haha,some ppl may think that it's so lame that a 20year old guy is watching a Korean drama,but I assure you that it is indeed an interesting and addictive show.Hehe i think the Crown Princess is quite cute in the show the way she behaves.
Also,I think that I'm starting to catch the Korean wave.Ha1 Han2,as they say.
From the show,I've already plan my hair style in the future already.
Prince Yicheng from Princess Hours. Gorgeous isn't it.(THe hair,not the guy.I'm no gay.)
I wonder how long when my hair can actually reach such a length.But I'm already trying to do it.HOpefully before my ORD there will be no hair checks and that no one will be able to stop me from growing such brilliant locks.
9Monday, October 16, 2006
Getting some royal treatment at the saloon.Me,Ti Kor,is already used to all this. Opening the doors of my new car. Kawaii!!I am so harajuka now! btw.is it spelt like that?harajuka? Last pic to end this all. Really lazy to upload more pics already.Hope you guys enjoy my pictures. Please note that the above is just for laughter and that my ego is still as big as ever. By the way,I'm on block leave(off) these 2 weeks with the exception of 2 duty days so any old friends who are free can contact me.However,please call me days in advance as the famous blogger has a really busy schedule.
As promised,here are photos taken recently courtesy of Melvin Lum.
Because there are just too many pictures,lengthy stories and descriptions will be cut short.
There is an idiom,"A picture tells a thousand words".
Enjoy.As they says,sex sells.So this entry is gonna start off with a big bang.Sexy picture of yours truly.
An Armani top coupled with OCS red running shorts. Sex symbol of the 21st century.
Guys must be feeling hard,girls feeling wet by now....
With 1 of my lesser known fans,model and New Paper New Face finalist Emileen here.Naomi and Kate,who are at my place now,forced me to write that Emileen is just a small-time model.The modelling industry is really damn bitchy.
9Sunday, October 15, 2006
After many few days without logging in to blogger,here I am again.Unfortunately today there is nothing entertaining for you guys,just random rambling.(THanks again to Lum Kor who is ever-so-busy and is unable to upload photos.)
The reason for not blogging was mainly down to having no motivations,and the primary reason for that is that my tagboard has not been working for many days now.After a check with other friends of the blogosphere,I found out that other blogs who have tagboards of the similar server(tag-board.com) are all having these problems.Thus,on the advice from my brother,I changed my tagboard to this current 1.So guys,please continue to tag on it and provide me with some sort of encouragement that there is actually someone who is reading this blog.
Actually,at the back of my mind i do know that many people are actually reading this,just that I really want something concrete to tell me that.Nevertheless,the people who tag on the board are always the usual few and i know that they contribute to less than 1% of my total readership.
Anyway,weekends are beginning to get quite boring and monotonous already,it's almost always the same schedule,and going town to chill remains a permanent fixture in my weekend schedule.For your information,according to the 'Oonk Tong Dictionary Version 2006', "chill" is just a word which just means zuo boh. Besides chilling in town,activities in the weekend also often include teaching tuition,watching soccer etc. I'm not complaining about the weekends being really boring,I do remember those times when I have to be in camp during weekends,and I appreciate that I have the freedom now to do whatever I want during weekends,just that the excitement level during weekends are going down.Any suggestions what can I do during weekends people?
Next is an advertisement for 1 of my friends.He is working in an events planning company and actually do need a large number of people to be part of his database.Be it for market survey purposes,and more importantly different types of jobs which include promoting products also vocations in event planning,I'm sure it will do no one harm by just including yourself in this database. For those interested,please contact me for more information.
To my fellow writers of nomoredrunkennights.blogspot.com,sorry for the lack of blog entries as stated above,I was recently very unmotivated due to the tag-board screw ups. To Weiqi:nice tattoo. To Kianzi:Less than 4 more months to go.
To my parents(if they are reading this):Have fun in Japan,please visit my training ground Mt Akina and I'm sure the people there will be thrilled to know that their racing god's parents are actually in town. Meantime,the AE86 will be in good hands.
Finally,hope that I can get those pictures soon and upload it onto the net for all my faithful readers to see.Ciao.
9Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Was chatting to several people last nite and I found out that indeed,the world and relationships between people are often not as simple as it seems.
I shall just quote 2 examples which i heard last night.
Hmm...it will indeed be beneficial for me if i can do this entry in a report style of writing,to further prepare me for my education in the university next year.Remember,my aim is to improve my English as stated in my virgin posting.Although the hymen has longed been penetrated,(that is an analogy to describe me having posted plenty of entries since my debut post),I still feel that there is still plenty of room for improvement.So here we go!
Case study 1
Introduction:B teaches tuition at various locations while trying to supplement a very low income,courtesy of a organisation that practises modern day slavery.In his course of work,he comes into contact with many young kids and also their parents.
Problem:1 of these parents,let's call her M,is a lonely housewife who is constantly neglected by her husband who is busy with work.M is also in the 30-35 age group and has maintained her looks well. In a call from M to B discussing about her kid's academic progress, the conversation eventually lead to her talking about her problems at home too.Realising that B was a relatively good listener and that he can sort of hit the right frequency with her,plus the fact that she is lonely,M decided to get his msn contact so that they can have more similar conversations in the future.Although this may seem like an innocent case of a housewife being devoid of company,B is worried that it may lead to an illicit relationship with a MILF.(For the uninitiated,please check up the net for the meaning of MILF.)
Ti Kor's Golden Advice: There is no wrong in continuing to be friends with this MILF =) however,always remember to draw a line between friends and becoming partners in a forbidden relationship. Always trust Ti Kor, he has seen many such cases before and definitely the best person to trust.
Case study 2
Introduction: X has known Q for many years as a family friend.They have been seeing each other around for a few years already but only recently,they have formed an even closer relationship.
Problem: Q has held a torch for X for many years already with X unknowing about that.But because of them becoming close friends recently, things somehow got out of hand with her admitting her liking for him and X,being a true blue hot blooded male who had not had a girlfriend for the past few years,allowed the making out to begin.However,a fairy tale is not about to begin right here.In fact,nowhere near that at all.The problem here is that Q has a boyfriend of 2 years,and that although Q is sure that X is the man for her,she is afraid to break the heart of this boyfriend.
Ti Kor's Golden Advice: X,who admitted his liking for Q,should just go all out for her.The key here lies with Q.Although breaking the heart of a man who have endured through thick and thin with her for 2 years is definitely hard,Ti Kor can tell you safely that just delaying the process will make it even worse for this boyfriend.If Q is really so sure that X is the man for her,she should just break this news to the boyfriend in a soft yet honest approach.Based on Ti Kor's personal experience, hanging out with the boyfriend while the girl's heart is somewhere else is a suffering of a most immense level.I urge Q to consider her options well,and to make a quick but sure decision in this.
On a separate note,I've really been touched by all the fan mail and praises that I have been receiving."Great blog!" and "I love your blog!I've been going to bigbrohu.blogspot.com ever since its debut posting and have been hooked on it ever since!" are just one of the many examples of comments i get from my fans.A particular touching note came from Chinese High good friend David Wu, who was quoted as saying "In the cold winterness of England,bigbrohu.blogspot.com has indeed brought some warmth into my heart."
To any magazine editors out there,the above content definitely shows my potential in writing Aunt Agony columns.You are all free to contact me should you want a top class writer who gives excellent advice to write in your magazines.Prices negotiable.
9Monday, October 09, 2006
Today I will divert from my normal humourous takes on issues in life but stray more towards personal,emo stuff.
Let's talk this overIt's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hangingIn a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
ok,above is an excerpt from Avril Lavigne's 'My happy ending'. Just my attempt in trying to copy some of my other friends' emotional song lyrics style of blogging.
that song remind me particularly of a worst time of my life when i was going through a tough time in army and that also something major happened to me.Even now when i hear that song on the radio,i would listen to the lyrics and feel that it is indeed an apt description of how i felt during that time.For those of you who are guessing about what had happened, please read the lyrics more carefully then try to guess what is it all about.
Oh well,the dust has since been settled long ago and although bits and pieces of memories are still left in my mind,life has to go on doesn't it.
It's less than 120 days now to that elusive date,070207,which will always remain to be 1 of THE milestones of my life.I really thank God that He has looked over me and that I am well and all after all those torrid times in the army.I have indeed learnt alot about myself and also about life in general.Now I just hope that for the rest of my time in the army,I can be able to survive through and hope that when I indeed get out of this organisation,I will be able to remind and try to make myself relive through those trying times in my mind,and appreciate all that I have around me.Friends and family,the things that truly value to me.
On another note,I have sort of become a bit of a David James recently.For the unknowing,James is an undoubtly talented goalkeeper who played for Liverpool in the 90s.However,he also earned himself the nickname 'Calamity James' during that period where he would produce several howlers now and then.Today's match against Singapore Polytechnic saw me conceding another soft goal,where I anticipated a cross but yet the attacker chose to chip towards goal.Myself being already committed to handling the cross,was left in a position that was not the best and thus only managing to get a touch to the ball which is insufficient to deflect it away from goal.My backpeddling,which is not the fastest,can also be partly faulted for that goal.
I just hope that in the next few games leading up to the tournament,and in the tournament itself,I can play to my best abilities and not let myself or the team down.
Finally,I am giving a big shout out to all the lower Secondary kids,all anyone who knows any lower Secondary kids,and tell them that all their exam worries are over,Hu Tianci is here.
Anybody who wishes to have a dedicated,hardworking tutor who would go to great extents in helping kids can contact me.Prices negotiable.
9Saturday, October 07, 2006
On a final note,after saying so much
I was reading the Straits Times in camp on Thursday when I came upon an article about Hollywood stars trying to compete with each other into becoming skinny.That makes me wonder why. I understand that society has made everybody think that skinny is beautiful for females.But THIS?
The one on the right,SIm Hui Yong,which will be mentioned later in this entry.
Ok,after this fearsome picture,I'm sure many people out there would have aborted their dieting plans and in fact start to gorge on food.However,I'm sure you do not want to be like this too.
Enough of these eye-openers.Honestly,I do not understand the fascination with squeezing into a size 0 or even size 00 dress. In the opinion of a normal male human being, isn't looking good in a dress that compliment a female well most important? Who gives a damn about what size of clothes is she wearing?I admit that I would rather skinnier girls(is there such a word) than plump girls anytime,but the size 0? I would rather go and care about my brother's pet turtle or wipe the mirrors of my AE86 than care about that.
My personal take on what an anorexic girl does in a day.
*S denotes anorexic girl,can be also inferred to Sim Hui Yong,someone who teaches Physics in a premier boys' school in the Bukit Timah area.
0700 Reville
0730 Mom forces S to eat breakfast
0800 Tries to gorge food out of mouth
0830 After digging out some food,puts 2 fingers in mouth in attempt to puke out some more food
0930 End of fingering-mouth hour, new technique from lets-be-anorexic.com,switches on vacuum cleaner in attempt to suck out food
1030 Goes to class 3L and scold students like Yong CJ and teenaged genius Hu Tianci for not doing her physics homework,which they find no kick in doing.Her students find her disgustingly skinny,however she thinks she is damn pretty with her long flowing hair(spoilt) and fair(pale) skin.
1200 Appears to be eating lunch in school canteen to dispel rumours of her being anorexic,but secretly planning on how to remove all those food from the body later.
1300-1500 Lessons.Students continue to observe her and find her disgusting. Student Alvin Teo Hadec is so deeply traumatised by what his physics teacher looks like and vouch to eat as much as he can to avoid looking like that.
1300-1700 Repeats food-removal process as done in the morning.Thereafter,head towards home.
1800-2000 Goes to sauna in nearby club and sits in there for 2 hours.
2000-2100 Jogging.Fellow joggers super-disgusted with what she looks like in her running attire.(Not exaggerating,I've seen it before).
2100-morning Repeats food-removal process even when there is no food left.
Ok,I wanted to do a mock timetable of what a fat person's timetable would be like,which would included drink tea at kopitiam i.e. bukit batok,smoke and eat at places like Al Azhar,not mentioning travelling to JB but I find all these extremely tiring.(I know it sounds like you Hadec but I'm not talking about you,or at least I'm trying to make this as thickly-veiled as possible so as not to make people suspect it's you.
Do you want to be like this?
9Sunday, October 01, 2006
Have been told that my blog is more of like a public domain rather than a personal space. But hey,isn't a blog somewhere whereby I wana write what I wana write right? If this is all that I want to say and that just by pure coincidence that words of this blog spread around,it's not my fault right?
Last night was a sorrowful,dejected night for some of us. I'm sorry that today there is no entertaining entry that can bring a smile to your face here,because last night after what happened,I couldn't muster a smile too.
As many of you probably read from my previous entry,last night 30 Sept was The Last Dance at Rush,where they are going to close down after last night.And so,after a booze-fuelled bbq at Serangoon 13siao zai dui down at palm grove avenue,we made our way down to Mohd Sultan.That was without some form of drama and delay as 1 of the 13siao zha fits,"the fisherman", went around in a drunken frenzy and his more than 100kg frame needed more than a few people to restrain him from jumping into his fish pond. It needed some soothing and talking to by 13siao Ti Kor before he stops his crazy antics.However,the delay would have meant that a crowd has already been steadily building at Rush. At 2145,1 of 13siao ginas Micah Lewis informed us that a small crowd was already queuing up outside the club.we managed to reach there at around 2300,where indeed a substantial crowd is already there.Just as we were collecting money,2 vans from the police came down and performed a raid on the premises.I supposed they were checking for safety breach in terms of crowd size as they ordered everyone in the club to leave. I was amazed at the number of people that came out from the club.Those who have been to 1 of those clubs in the past along the MS stretch will know that every club is of the same size,and that it is small,at most maybe filling up to 500 people?However,it took about 15min of endless streaming of ppl to exit the club.From there,we knew we had a uphill task of getting in. After more than 30 min of delay,those who were inside the club initially were given the priority to get in first,while some who already had entered were denied entry due to the capacity of the club maxing out.
As we hung our heads and proceeded to our contingency plan,a movie at Cineleisure,we knew that nothing could have made up for what happened tonight.Personally,even a date with hottie Fiona Xie could not have compensated me for what happened.As fate would be,there were no movies that we wanted to watch at Cine, and so we headed straight home.
There is just 1 question hanging in my head.Why did the police have to spoil the show,knowing that it's the last night? I know that such overcrowding in a small confined area can be a disaster,but after 3 years of partying at this place known as a heaven for Eurodance,do you really expect that only meagre numbers would turn up.The police have longed targeted techno clubs as they always have the conception that these are places where people always like to cause trouble.But can't they just give some leaway for just 1 last night? Recent articles in the newspaper forums have complained about the police being a generally unsympathetic bunch who find the slightest chance to fault innocent civilians for small mistakes.E.g penalizing someone for cutting into the bus lane even if he's about to make a left turn soon. However,now I have experienced first hand about the unsympathetic,cold attitude of the police. To the Singapore Police Force : a big thumbs-down for you. I would spare you all from more blasting from this blog as yours truly is a well-educated gentleman here.
On a final note, a big salute to everyone who showed support by turning up at Rush,kudos for all the people who replied to my call in a previous entry in my blog to attend the Last Dance. However,nothing can mask the fact that Rush will be here no more,and that we did not have the chance to party at that marvellous haven for 1 last time.
Bye, Rush. Thanks for the times .